Hello blogger land - I'm not sure if you've missed me but I have sure missed you, tons and tons!! It's been busy around here for me but I figured the least I could was check in and say HI (and maybe a quick recap of the past, oh, two months or so)!!
The holidays were awesome - I will start with Thanksgiving (since it's been THAT long and all)!
We left for Thanksgiving on Wednesday and drove to Katy (right outside Houston) to see the BF's long time family friends - we stayed there, hung out and relaxed Wednesday. Thursday we drove down the road to meet up with his dad and step-mom and their friends place and to have Thanksgiving dinner - it was nice to meet new people and to be welcomed by so many that did not know us. After that we went back to the other house, hung out, had dessert and went to bed. The next day we hung out a little more and then got on the road to go to Galveston, where his dad lives. When we got there we took a tour of his awesome beach house, hung out, then went out to eat. Over the next couple days we went downtown for the Art Walk - where all the stores stay open late, serve food and drinks and play music. It was pretty neat - the BF wasn't as impressed as I was. Another day we went to a Aircraft museum but there was only one hanger open, unfortunately when Hurricane Ike hit it destroyed 99% of the item int he museum but they are working on getting it back into shape.
After we got back it was back to work - we have been pretty busy at work now that the HOT weather had finally cooled down (as of today - I'm FREEZING but that's a whole different post) so that has kept me away from the blog and since December is a short working month for me I had a lot to do before the Christmas holidays.
For Christmas my boss is pretty awesome, I came in on the 21st to do payroll, bonus, and the last of the bills paid for the month and then at 5 o'clock, on the dot, I was out of here for almost 2 weeks of vacation. On the 22nd (Tuesday) the BF and I got in my car and DROVE 13 hours to Kansas to visit my family for the holidays. It's a good thing we left that day because over the next 3 days it snowed, snowed, and snowed.... If I remember right we got about 10 inches but the wind was so bad it was making HUGE snow drifts!! We ended up calling of Christmas dinner at my Uncles house due to the wind, ice and snow - no one needed to be out in that stuff let alone driving from all over the state (and Missouri). So, we stayed in had enchiladas and relaxed for a couple of days. On Saturday it cleared up enough for us to head over to Kansas City to see Clare, JR, Fiona and Clare's family (they are my second - sometimes first family) and celebrate Christmas with them. We were lucky to get some awesome cooking from Nancy and some time to chat. Soon after dinner it was time to go and put Fiona in bed. After that JR, Clare, Alan (the BF) and I played the Wii and then Cranium (Clare and I kicked butt on that one). It was a lot of fun and I hate that I do not live closer to them!! I miss them so much and I hate that I don't get to see that wonderful baby girl grow up - she has my heart that is for sure!!
Sunday we went back to Topeka, went to dinner with my dad and then just hung out again at home. Monday my brother was able to come down to celebrate Christmas with us, finally! We had fun playing the Wii, hanging out, and drinking a little. It was a fun time had by all. The next day (Tuesday) we needed to hit the road and head back to Texas, another fun 13 hours in the car. Thankfully I'm getting better at letting other people drive and Alan took the wheel. I finally feel asleep in Oklahoma and got a good 1 1/2 hour nap in :)!! The drive went well until we hit Texas, as soon as we hit the state line the weather turned to junk (we knew it was bad, I had been keeping an eye on the weather the whole day) - we sat in about 20 miles of traffic and SNOW in Ft. Worth and then rain the whole way BACK to San Antonio. Once we got home we let everyone know we were home and then went to bed.
The next couple of days were uneventful - on New Year's Eve I went to a baby shower and then back home but that night I was NOT feeling well, ended up getting sick, taking NyQuil and going to bed at 8:30 - not the most fun way to bring in the new year but I guess uneventful is better then nothing. After that it was another relaxing weekend at home and then back to work on Monday.
Monday was not fun - two weeks of catching up on work was crazy and made me soooo tired but things are now caught up and back to normal around here and for that I'm happy!! There are some big changes happening this year and I can't wait to tell everyone about them - also as soon as I upload the pictures from the holidays I will most sure I post them. If you made it through this long, long post thanks! I hope your holidays were great!!