Monday, April 27, 2009


Today is my best friends brithday! I wish I could say I'm going to her house tonight, stealing her, and treating her to a wonderful dinner!! BUT I can't so today... this is for her!
I still remeber all the great times we used to have... riding bikes, playing "town", going to the park, staying out 'till dark, just haning out and so much more!! Now, you're a year older, married to a wonderful husband, and have the most beautiful daughter ever!
I hate that we have to talk on the phone once a week... not make time to meet at the park to play with Fiona to catch up with each other. That I only get to see you once or if I'm lucky twice a year. I hate that Texas is so very far from Kasnas! It's just not fair, but being the friends we are we make it happen and charish every moment we can talk!!
Truthfully we have been saying it for years, you are not my best friend, you're my sister. I couldn't have asked for a better one and I'm thankfull that after 21 years of being friends we still can count on each other for anything, no matter the distence!
Today is your day, I hope it is amazing! You're amazing, sweet and kind! Enjoy your day, you deserive it more then anyone!
I love you and miss you so much! Again, Happy Birthday to YOU!!
Love always,

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I can comment!! Thanks so much for this post, made my day!!
    Love you!!
