Thursday, April 30, 2009

Fingerprint Fridays

I almost forgot that I needed to post this today! Good think I remembered (because I have found I actually DO love doing this)!!
Today the Fingerprints I see are in an organization my friend Louise and I volunteer for... The March for Babies (March of Dimes). We got involved last year when I called up the MOD office and asked if I could help out with the walk that year. After a nice phone call with Shawne, the director, I had been put to work finding other volunteers for the walk and I would in charge of them... know this was not going to be happening with just me, I asked Louise if she would help me out and she agreed! After some crazy days, meetings, phone calls and emails we managed to pull it off (with many, many bumps in the road)! This year they asked if we would take over the logistics part of the walk (for some reason they like us) and we agreed... so this year we are actually putting the back ground things together for the walk (with a lot of help from Kristine, KJ, and the other amazing MOD staff). Well, I have seen Fingerprints in all of these people... workers and volunteers... giving their time, money, legs, and effort to help make people more educated about premature birth, helping families who are at risk for having a premature baby, and then helping those who are born premature! If you have time, or the money, you should look into the organization... they are amazing and truly need all the support and help that anyone is willing to give them!
I do have to admit that I am lucky enough not to know any babies personally have been born prematurely for any reason... BUT I am going to support this organization for those I don't know and for some reason I do end up knowing someone, or even myself someday, having a premature baby... so that they can have the extra support and love that they will need!
Kristine, me and Louise having a "meeting", dinner and some drinks... I swear we did get a little accomplished that night! :) I will blog about the actually walk after it happens (May 16, 2009... cross your fingers it goes according to plan)!! If you live in San Antonio and want to donate your time for the walk, we are still looking for volunteers for the day before the walk, May 15th, for set-up and for the day of the walk... all day, many positions... e-mail us at and we will give you all the details! And even if you don't live in SA look up your local chapter and go volunteer... I promise you they always need help!!
From Beci's Blog:
There is a song by Steven Curtis Chapman that says:
I can see the fingerprints of god
When I look at you I can see the fingerprints of god
And I know it’s true
You're a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of God
So look around you and see where YOU can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Where do you see them? Here's how to join in - Go to Becki's Blog!

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