I know that it's not even Halloween yet but I think about Christmas as soon as the New Year starts - trying to figure out what I'm going to get people next year, what will make an impact - I do this because there are about a MILLION people that I shop for every year and I swear that the list is only getting longer and longer!!
I know what I'm going to get a couple people - some are going to get something cute off of PamperingBeki's Etsy site. My dad is going to get something awesome IF I can get my brothers to pay attention to me long enough to do what I want them to do (we will see - if not, I'm going to have to come up with something different - great)!
So, as I was sitting here thinking the other day of what I could get people this year, things that will top last year (that's going to be hard) my friend messaged me, told me that she bought some things off of this site, and some of the money spent went to help a great cause! Then it dawned on me - I'm going to get people gifts that have more then one meaning the first being that it's awesome, the second that it's from me ;) and the third being that some of my money spent is going to help someone or an organization out.
I know there are a million organizations that need help, so they sell many, many things. From shirts, to jewelry, to ANYTHING!! The problem is I have problems finding these kinds of sites - because of my friend I have put the Breast Cancer Site on my list to buy from, but what are other sites that are like that. It doesn't have to be for Cancer - it can help out Africa or another 3rd world country, it could be something that helps out under privileged kids here in our own country - I just need your help to find these sites? So, my question to you - do you know of any awesome sites, that I can get some great Christmas gifts off of (for anyone Moms, Dads, kids, boys, girls, etc...) and where some, if not all, the proceeds go to help them out?!!??
I try to be a good person and I might not always have it together, I might struggle with money from time to time but I know that I'm lucky to have a family by my side, that I have a job. And isn't this what Christmas is all about - Celebrating the life of our Saviour but also helping others out who are not as lucky as we are?
Thanks for listening to me today and if you know of any sites - please, please, please pass them along - anything and everything would be great!
P.S. - I've come to realize that the link for the BC shop has other sites as well to support but I'm still looking for ideas and other sites to shop on. Thanks!
I am totally clue less. It is an amazing idea and I would so do it also if i was in the states. Seems everyone wants stuff from Germany this year!! If I come across any sites though I will let u know.