Friday, June 12, 2009

Finger Print Fridays....

On a random note before I get going... I started this post on May 19th but with everything that has happened with friends it got put on hold. Not because my family doesn't mean so much to be but because I felt that my friends need some prayers... and seeing the kind of support I have received I know they got these prayers. I wanted to thank each one of you for doing this for me, it means so much to me and I'm sure if the people who you are praying for knew the kind of prayers they are getting they would be overwhelmed... Thank You Blogging Friends, you are amazing people!

Finger Print Fridays, I would have to say is at a very close first with my Not Me! Mondays! I look forward to finding God's finger print in my life, it makes me stop and look around and reexamine my life, in a good way of course. So far, I have seen God in my Church, my friends, a 4th of July rainbow, Owen, and the March of Dimes... this week I have seen the Finger Print of God in my family.

If I didn't have them I wouldn't be in the world, I would have never been made, I wouldn't be me. I wouldn't have my dad's patience or work ethic, I wouldn't have my ever changing blue eyes, and light hair! I wouldn't be getting ready to celebrate another year of my life, happily. I love my family, sometimes they let me down and they aren't always as close as I wish they were but truthfully, I wouldn't trade them for anything... I love them more then anything, I would give my life for my family.

I did choose to live over 700 miles away from them (those are the closest ones to me) because I'm not a fan of the cold weather (yes, my main trip home is at Christmas when it's snowing and ever so cold) and I just needed to get away. I was 18, I didn't realize what I was giving up. I didn't know how much it would hurt every time I had to get back onto that plane and leave them once again... I was 18, I knew better then anyone, I wanted a life away from Kansas and no one was going to stop me from that. Don't get me wrong, I do not regret moving to Texas... I love it here, I have made great friends, I have a wonderful boyfriend, and I have my friends families that have taken me in over holidays when it was just to far to go home. BUT, that is NOT my family, my hugs and kisses from my nephew, my dad taking care of me if I'm sick. I have gotten better at calling, saying I miss them, trying to visit at least twice a year, and trying to convince everyone to come visit me. I have grown up and realized a lot of things that I did wrong over the years and how I have hurt my family, but the best part about it... is they are my family, not matter what I do, say, or how much I hurt them they will always be there for me. They will not ever turn their back on me in a time of need, they will hold my hand when they can, and listen to me cry over the phone instead of in person... I love them and I am truly blessed to have them, no matter how close or how far away we are from each other!

I love you guys, I hope you know how much you mean to me (not because I have to love you but because I choose to love you, unconditionally)!!

Your Daughter, Your Sister, Your Aunt - Kari

PS- Included in the pictures are the Lonergan's (and Snyder's)... they took care of me when there were some very hard things going on for a very long time in my life, they are my "second parents" but were more like first parents most of the time... I call them Mom and Dad... Clare is my sister, not my friend. Fiona is my niece not my friends daughter... I love them like they are family and to me that is just as true as the blood that runs through your veins! Just in case you were wondering. :)

I've also come to realize that I do not have very many pictures of my family (even at home)... I did steal some from people so if they are blurry, I'm sorry.


From Beci's Blog:
There is a song by Steven Curtis Chapman that says:
I can see the fingerprints of god
When I look at you I can see the fingerprints of god
And I know it’s true
You're a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of God
So look around you and see where YOU can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Where do you see them? Here's how to join in - Go to Becki's Blog!


  1. What a beautiful and thoughtful post.

  2. families truly are God's fingerprints! in all ways!

  3. Great post!! You know already that we (lonergan's and Snyder's) think about you the same way!!!
    I can't wait to see you in July!

  4. What a beautiful fingerprint. You know what is a blessing to you, you realize how wonderful they are..Nothing like family/close friends. Happy Fingerprint Friday..

  5. Love the photos! Family and friends are all wonderful gifts from God. ♥

  6. What a beautiful post!

    God bless you this week.
