Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Long, Long time...

I know, I know I've been slacking in the blogging these days and I really have no reason that I should be. Lots of things have been going on for me. Alan left for boot-camp, I lost my job, I've just been dealing with life!

Yes, I said I lost my job. I went to Houston with my friends one weekend, had an amazing time hanging out and being with the girls. I came back and went to work on Monday - the boss isn't there right at that point, so I go along with what I do when I'm there. He comes in, tells me he has to let me go. I'm not mad at anyone or anything. There just wasn't enough work for me to do around the office - I really was bored 90% of my day. He was awesome enough to give me 3 weeks of pay, Cobra my health insurance, and no fight unemployment! So, it could have been a lot worse.

I have been looking and looking. I applied for unemployment and that is just a pain in my butt to say the least - so much to do but thankfully I'm "entitled" to said unemployment! They make you apply for 5 jobs a week and to keep very strict logs of the searches. They at any moment can all and ask to see said logs, this I don't mind - I know they are just trying to keep track of what people are doing and making sure they are putting themselves out there. It's just a lot of searching up to this point.

I didn't want to tell a lot of people that I had lost my job. Not sure why, I think I was a little embarrassed that I had. I finally mentioned it to a family that I babysit for and she sits on a board of Day School right down the street from my house. All her kids have gone to school here before elementary school and I have only heard great, great things about it. Thankfully this mom really likes me, talked to the director of the school, and talked me up more then I personally think she should of BUT thankfully it has worked in my favor. Yesterday and today I went up to the school, talked to the teachers and the director and got to interact with the children. Just to make sure that it REALLY was something that I would be interested in doing. Of COURSE I LOVED it more then you will ever know. Kids are my life if you haven't picked up on that. I might not have any of my own but I do believe that my talent is working with kids - so as of today I have another job and one that I will NOT be bored at!!

I'm hoping that after today I will get back into blogging - I've really missed it, it's such a way to get things off my chest. I don't know if a lot of people read this blog and I'm alright with that. I love being able to put it out there and know that I'm not being judged, that I can ask anything and I'm sure that the answer will get back to me. So, in other words, I'm back at the blogging. This weekend I'm headed to Dallas for Easter - so I will have TONS to tell you come Monday!!

Have a great weekend, a very happy Easter, and thank you for being so understanding in why I've been MIA for so long!!




  1. Just when I was ready to tell you I was sorry to hear about your job I scroll down and see you got a new one!!That is great.. Glad to hear that you are coming back.I have missed you.

  2. Isn't it amazing how things happen for a reason, you lost your job that you were bored at only to find a job that is keeping you active and happy. Best of luck to you! Glad to see you back online :)
